Cats are not only vandalists, but also very picky! Knock as many vases off the shelf as you can, but only those with a particularly awful color...


- arrow left / A: Move to the left
- arrow right / D: Move to the right
- Spacebar / S / Arrow down: Drop the vase
- M: Mute the soundtrack in the background

About us
This was our first time participating in the 3 hour game jam, and is was an absolute pleasure! One of our three main members sadly couldn't be here, otherwise we might have been able to hit the deadline! As it stands, we took 3 hours and 50 minutes, which is still a personal record for a finished game . Maybe next time, we should skip the procedurally generated flower pots :).

As always, we build everything in raw JavaScript. Who needs a game engine :).Hooray for the 2d canvas API!

Music: Brookers Blues by Audionautix:
Sound effects by TanTan:


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This game is so cute! 

27! When I first played i didnt read the objective and i was confused-but after reading it this is a lot of fun!


Yeah a mini tutorial would have been nice, I agree! Glad you liked it!

very nice game and i made a game catasaur check it ou

I will, thank you!

Great first entry! A clever concept that ties in to the theme in a creative way, and the gameplay mechanic is unique and fun!

A shame you guys didn't make it in time, but do try again next time - this was an excellent game.

Thanks for the compliments! We will definitely try our luck again, 3 hour gamejams are a really enjoyable format!